the first online and workshop/design-build architecture program at cput

first online & workshop/design-build architecture program in SA is at dept of architectural technology, cput


We have started to work through the Hub submissions and expect to be spending a considerable time to thoroughly review them. We will inform you if we experience any problems with accessing your work. Please let Jolanda know if you foresee any problems. Also watch this space for MIP notifications, and good luck with the STW and CTD ex. that follow.

See link to podcasts in RH side column on this page

Good morning!

I feel much better after the crits yesterday following the awards ceremony. You may not think so, but you are making progress. We are deliberately taking it slow to make sure that you FULLY UNDERSTAND the process.

You MUST stick to the selected function of your group. You MUST also stick to the ARCHITECTURAL IDEA formulated as a group. This idea should be formulated in WORDS and a rough 3D model.

Then make sure to RESPOND (in your decision-making) to all the relevant lessons learnt from the FUNCTION (analysis and precedents) and TECHNOLOGY (analysis and precedents). So you must JUSTIFY every decision.

Think about the SPACE-DEFINING elements (refer Righini p 143)
Think how the user will EXPERIENCE the space(s)
Think about how you are OPTIMALLY UTILISING the PROPERTIES and QUALITIES of the prescribed MATERIALS
Think about the CONNECTIONS/ JUNCTIONS between different components
Do all of the above while ALWAYS REFERRING BACK TO YOUR ARCHITECTURAL IDEA (PRINCIPLE). This means that, in your group you will be using the same architectural idea, but your designs will most probably develop differently, and may look quite different from your group idea model.

Good luck!

>Dear 2nd year student,
>you are in the process of developing your Hub designs, based on the
> written feedback that you received, and input from your peers and
> employers. We suggest that you read the brief again, and again!

> Here follows some useful pointers that should assist you in your work:
> We suggest that you read Paul Righini's ("Thinking Architecturally")
> Chapter 3: "Why Modern Buildings look the way they do". It deals with
> themes very relevant to your Hub project e.g. "form and function",
> "the idea of space", "the idea of movement" and "technology and form".
> You do not have to read (or do) "project three, but do study the
> summary on pages 44 and 45. Make sure that you fully understand the
> arguments. Please ask (on fb) if you don't.
> The second chapter that will definitely help your understanding (in
> view of the Hub project), is Chapter 5: "The idea of structure as
> order". The examples referred to, are large scale buildings (unlike
> the Hub), but the principles are very relevant. Again, focus on the
> summary - you need not worry about Project Five, although you may read
> it for interest sake.
> On page 143 (Righini, 2000) you will find diagrams that explain the
> idea of "space defining" and "space enclosing systems." In Ching's
> "Form Space and Order" you will find useful theory on the basic
> elements of space-making, e.g. the manipulation of the ground/floor
> plane, the roof plane and the wall planes.
> THINK about and SUBSTANTIATE everything that you do - NEVER JUMP TO
> Make sure that you understand the chosen FUNCTION and the prescribed
> You want to delve deeper into understanding the required FUNCTIONS.
> Brainstorm the function/ activity (verbs, not nouns!) on the brief,
> e.g. meeting, performing, playing... You ask yourself what the
> properties and qualities of a meeting/ performing/ playing space are.
> What degree of enclosure, intensity of light, views, contact with
> others (public-private/ noisy-quiet) etc. You also need to understand
> ergonomics (the human dimensions). You must find good FUNCTIONAL
> PRECEDENT. Look for a space solution for a similar functional brief -
> the precedent need not represent the same technology as required for
> the Hub.
> You want to furthermore make sure that you really fully understand
> the required TECHNOLOGY and find at least one example of TECHNOLOGICAL
> precedent (function may be different to your brief).
> Through studying the FUNCTIONS and TECHNOLOGY (in this project we have
> deliberately excluded CONTEXT), you gather clues to help you make
> decisions (rather than guess). The ARCHITECTURAL IDEA/ CONCEPT/
> HOLDING IDEA that you formulated as a group grew from your FUNCTIONAL,
> or TECHNOLOGICAL understanding of the problem, or a combination of
> these. The concept/ holding idea will guide you through all further
> decisions to ensure that your design thinking is consistent and
> appropriate, and you DO NOT HAVE TO GUESS!
> We hope this helps.
> If you want a crit after the awards ceremony (on he evening of Wed 13 April), let us know.
> Alternatively we will be setting up a skype crit on Thursday 14 April
> at 21h00. Again, let us know if you will be joining. If so, you must
> please e mail us your latest drawings so that we can study these
> before the crit, in order to provide useful critique.
> Thank you,
> Jolanda & Hermie

When you study precedent, you need, in addition to photos or 3D images, the plans, elevations and, importantly, the sections!

You study these images and drawings to UNDERSTAND and MAKE SENSE of it. You then APPLY the LESSONS learnt, to your design. You do not simply COPY the precedent!

1. Here's a precedent to study for the manipulation of space-defining elements (read Righini): the floor, wall and roof planes:

2. Here's an example of an interesting framed building (simliar technology) to your hub:

3. You may want to study this precedent. Look at the relationship between the frame/ structure and the skin of the building:

Precedent to study: Los Leones stables, Pablo Lamarca Tomas- Sett

  1. LISTEN TO the podcast for your group, posted on the fb group and blog - follow this link:
  1. Now write down, IN WORDS, the DESIGN IDEA that you formulated in your group
  2. We suggest that you now INDIVIDUALLY  MAKE SENSE of the FUNCTIONAL and TECHNOLOGY analyses that you just completed, and the PRECEDENT STUDIES ANALYSED
  3. Think about and formulate the LESSONS LEARNT from these analysis. In other words, what does the information MEAN, how can it INFORM your decision-making process? DO NOT RUSH THIS PROJECT STAGE.
  4. Now prepare sketches, diagrams with text and IDEA DEVELOPMENT MODEL 1, addessing the issues and discoveries made
  5. Do discuss your DESIGN PROCESS with your employer or his/ her representative, and at least ONE peer (fellow student)
  6. Upload by noon on 18 March 2011
consolidated brief_subjects: STW & CTD
CPUT 2nd year 2011.................................

[Refer to 2ndyearclassof 2011 facebook group & Hub design exercise brief of 22 January 2011]
Note: the brief describes the MINIMUM requirements. Please refer to any reading work, discussions and crits on fb and skype, and with your peers and employer.
“We require of any building that it acts well, and do the things it was intended to do in the best way, that it speaks well and says the things it was intended to say in the best words; that it looks well, and pleasures by its presence, whatever it has to do or say.” John Ruskin 

The first project for the year involves “out of the box” thinking with regards to providing shelter. You are required to design a small, low tech, low cost, sustainable, multi-functional and easily assembled structure that will act as the prototype for a public landmark facility. This landmark may be repeated in a variety of community locations.
These “community hubs” will provide sheltered places and landmarks that will offer the relevant communities access to information as well as opportunities for learning, communication and social interaction.

Site information
Assume that the site is flat. However, you need to design for a generic and not a specific site, since the structure will be repeated in a variety of community locations.
Functional requirements
A masonry service core of 1m² and 5m high must be lockable after hours.
Its main function is the provision of a wi-fi spot.
In addition to this function, you may select ONE of the following functions –
consider the relevant anthropometrics:
  • homework
  • creative performance
  • play
  • meeting
  • shelter

Technological requirements
The basic structure must be a lockable masonry core of 1m² and 5m high with an access panel.
The remainder of the structure must contain gum poles and marine ply as the main materials – these are provided to the community "for free."
The technology must allow for a flexible structure to suit various locations and climatic conditions.
It must allow simple assembly with unsophisticated equipment.
Pay attention to the junctions between various elements.
Foundation conditions will be confirmed by your lecturers.

Project outcomes: STW
To foster an understanding of TECHNOLOGY and FUNCTION and the influence that technology and function can have on the form of the final design and detail resolution
  • To develop an understanding of design generators
  • To develop awareness of architectural language and formulation of the architectural idea
  • To develop research and information gathering techniques
  • To develop graphic and model building communication techniques
Project outcomes: CTD
To foster an understanding of TECHNOLOGY and FUNCTION and the influence that technology and function can have on the form of the final design and detail resolution
  • To understand the properties of the building materials, and putting them together
  • To understand how to formulate a technological solution, in line with the architectural design idea
  • To develop research and information gathering techniques
  • To develop graphic and model building communication techniques

  • Ching, Francis D.K.  Form, Space and Order, Van Nostrand Reinhold (1996)
  • Righini, Paul.  Thinking Architecturally, UCT Press (2000): chapter 5 and p143-147
  • Alexander, Christopher. A Pattern Language, Oxford University Press (1977)
  • Unwin, Simon. Analysing Architecture, Routledge London (2009) case study pp 231-234
  • Loyd Kahn (Ed.) Shelter ISBN-10: 0-936070-11-0, ISBN-13: 978-0-936070-11-7
  • Look on the internet at the “Hole in the Wall” project in India and what it achieved.

Assessment weightings
Final assessment on 08.0:8 combined poster pin up presentation with models
STW_ 20% of total year mark
CTD_20% of total year mark
Your interim submissions must be on time. Feedback will be provided on these, but assessment only happens in August, based on the combined pin up submission. Interim submissions must be uploaded to your own blog. Please create pages as per the class blog, namely STW, CTD, Hub, MIP, ATR and PSS, so that your work is easily accessible.

Project programme
Submit Hub Function and Technology investigation and precedent analysis online: post to your student blog. Integrate into poster submission for August
Hub idea development, model 1: post photo and sketches to your blog/ online portfolio of work
Hub idea development, model 2: post photo and sketches to your blog/ online portfolio of work
Hub idea development, model 3, analysis, description of your design process: post photo and sketches to your blog/ online portfolio of work
Pin up completed hub project: all models, integrating function and technology investigations, precedent, analysis & description of your design process
Last date for resubmissions

Interim submissions & requirements
Submit Hub Function and Technology investigation and precedent analysis online: post to your student blog by noon, 04.03, then integrate into poster submission for August

The Hub Function and Technology investigation and precedent submission follows on the group work done during block 1. However, this time you will do INDIVIDUAL work. Clearly indicate your name and the number of your original group. At this stage you do not need any Block 1 Hub group work/ drawings. Please complete the functional and technology analyses and precedents individually, and not using any material generated in your groups.
  • Functional investigation & precedent
Clearly indicate your chosen Hub function, other than the wifi tower. On A3 pages (as many as you need) show your understanding of the functional requirements of your selected Hub function.
Use diagrams and text to explain, and reference any sources. Refer to ergonomics, the experience (use verbs!) etc. Now find at least one FUNCTIONAL PRECEDENT. That is, a structure/ building similar in function. This precedent must be good published work (local or international), appropriate and useful. Contact your lecturer if you are not sure. Use diagrams and text to explain how this chosen precedent(s) is/are relevant to your given problem (Hub).  Explain how this chosen precedent(s) is/are relevant to your given problem (Hub).  
  • Technological investigation & precedent
Now you move on to the technological requirements. On A3 pages (as many as you need) show your understanding of the functional requirements of this project. You must investigate the given materials, i.e. gumpoles and marine ply. Research the sizes, material properties etc. Illustrate this with diagrams and text. Reference all sources. Now find at least one TECHNOLOGICAL PRECEDENT. That is, a structure/ building using similar (framed) technology/ materials. It may have a different function.This precedent must be good published work (local or international), appropriate and useful. Contact your lecturer if you are not sure. Use diagrams and text to explain how this chosen precedent(s) is/are relevant to your given problem (Hub). This analysis will provide you with the necessary clues/ design informants to continue with the design process.
Hub idea development, model 1: post photo and sketches to your blog/ online portfolio of work, then integrate into poster submission for August

Once you submitted the functional and technological analyses online, you will get feedback on the Hub group project (architectural idea formulation), by means of a podcast (audio) per group. We will also forward to you the architectural idea on which to base your individual design work.
Now, based on the ARCHITECTURAL IDEA formulated during Block 1, you will start preparing individual designs. You will not be using any group work other than the joint architectural idea, as a point of departure.
Prepare a working model and sketches. Refer to the architectural idea and the discoveries made in the functional and technological investigation. Approach your employer, peers and lecturer for crits. Watch the fb group and blog for online crit arrangements. Use your weekly blog posts to explain your progress and learning.
Hub idea development, model 2: post photo and sketches to your blog/ online portfolio of work, then integrate into poster submission for 08.08
Develop your ideas by building another working model and more sketches. Always refer to the architectural idea and the discoveries made in the functional and technological investigation, as well as crit feedback. Approach your employer, peers and lecturer for crits. Watch the fb group and blog for online crit arrangements. Use your weekly blog posts to explain your progress and learning.
By this stage you must have plans, sections and elevations, and start to look at construction details.
Hub idea development, model 3: post photo and sketches to your blog/ online portfolio of work, then integrate into poster submission for 08.08
Develop your ideas by building another working model and more sketches. Always refer to the architectural idea and the discoveries made in the functional and technological investigation, as well as crit feedback. Approach your employer, peers and lecturer for crits. Watch the fb group and blog for online crit arrangements. Use your weekly blog posts to explain your progress and learning.
By this stage you must have plans, sections and elevations, and resolved the key construction details.
Hub final poster submission: integrating all interim work and models submitted
Integrate all work (investigations, precedent studies, models, sketches, drawings. Explain your design process, with key decisions made. Illustrate the influence of the most prominent design informants.
Now also analyse your design proposal, using architectural concepts e.g. circulation, hierarchy, composition, organisation (Ching), space-defining elements (Righini) etc.



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