the first online and workshop/design-build architecture program at cput

first online & workshop/design-build architecture program in SA is at dept of architectural technology, cput

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hub and beyond

We have started to work through the Hub submissions and expect to be spending a considerable time to thoroughly review them. We will inform you if we experience any problems with accessing your work. Please let me know if you foresee any problems. Also watch this space for MIP notifications, and good luck with the STW and CTD ex. that follow.

Monday, April 18, 2011

CTD Excercise 1 - note submission date

PSS Feedback

Dear Students
Please see the feedback on your PSS submission below. Those of you that did submit have done well so far. The reflective questions have been mostly very well answered. These are very important to do for each drawing – please look specifically at those marked EX (for excellent). Some portfolios were difficult to access. Submissions marked EX should be investigated by everyone to see how you can improve your own portfolio.
Please continue the good work and keep up the good blogging!

PSS 4 April feedback

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Please check

On the class blog, please find the list of links to student blogs. Check that it takes you to the correct version of your blog where you want us to find all your submissions.

Also note the final extension for Model 3 submission: Monday, 25 April.

See the link to 8 April Hub submission podcast feedback in the RHside column.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Making progress on the Hub design

Good morning!

I feel much better after the crits yesterday after the awards ceremony. You may not think so, but you are making progress. We are deliberately taking it slow to make sure that you FULLY UNDERSTAND the process. e FI

You MUST stick to the selected function of your group. You MUST also stick to the ARCHITECTURAL IDEA formulated as a group. This idea will be formulated in WORDS and a rough 3D model.

Then make sure to RESPOND (in your decision-making) to all the relevant lessons learnt from the FUNCTION (analysis and precedent) and TECHNOLOGY (analysis and precedent). So you must JUSTIFY every decision.
  • Think about the SPACE-DEFINING elements (refer Righini p 143)
  • Think how the user will EXPERIENCE the space(s)
  • Think about how you are OPTIMALLY UTILISING the PROPERTIES and QUALITIES of the prescribed MATERIALS
  • Think about the CONNECTIONS/ JUNCTIONS between different components
Do all of the above while ALWAYS REFERRING BACK TO YOUR ARCHITECTURAL IDEA (PRINCIPLE). This means that, in your group you will be using the same architectural idea, but your designs will most probably develop differently, and may look quite different from your group idea model.

Good luck!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

NB Hub tips_6 April

Dear 2nd year student,

you are in the process of developing your Hub designs, based on the written feedback that you received, and input from your peers and employers. We suggest that you read the brief again, and again!

Here follows some useful pointers that should assist you in your work:

We suggest that you read Paul Righini's ("Thinking Architecturally") Chapter 3: "Why Modern Buildings look the way they do". It deals with themes very relevant to your Hub project e.g. "form and function", "the idea of space", "the idea of movement" and "technology and form". You do not have to read (or do) "project three, but do study the summary on pages 44 and 45. Make sure that you fully understand the arguments. Please ask (on fb) if you don't.

The second chapter that will definitely help your understanding (in view of the Hub project), is Chapter 5: "The idea of structure as order". The examples referred to, are large scale buildings (unlike the Hub), but the principles are very relevant. Again, focus on the summary - you need not worry about Project Five, although you may read it for interest sake.

On page 143 (Righini, 2000) you will find diagrams that explain the idea of "space defining" and "space enclosing systems." In Ching's "Form Space and Order" you will find useful theory on the basic elements of space-making, e.g. the manipulation of the ground/floor
plane, the roof plane and the wall planes.

THINK about and SUBSTANTIATE everything that you do - NEVER JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS.

Make sure that you understand the chosen FUNCTION and the prescribed TECHNOLOGY.

You want to delve deeper into understanding the required FUNCTIONS. Brainstorm the function/ activity (verbs, not nouns!) on the brief, e.g. meeting, performing, playing... You ask yourself what the  properties and qualities of a meeting/ performing/ playing space are.
What degree of enclosure, intensity of light, views, contact with others (public-private/ noisy-quiet) etc. You also need to understand ergonomics (the human dimensions). You must find good FUNCTIONAL PRECEDENT. Look for a space solution for a similar functional brief - the precedent need not represent the same technology as required for the Hub.

You want to furthermore make sure that you really fully understand the required TECHNOLOGY and find at least one example of TECHNOLOGICAL precedent (function may be different to your brief).

Through studying the FUNCTIONS and TECHNOLOGY (in this project we have deliberately excluded CONTEXT), you gather clues to help you make decisions (rather than guess). The ARCHITECTURAL IDEA/ CONCEPT/HOLDING IDEA that you formulated as a group grew from your FUNCTIONAL, or TECHNOLOGICAL understanding of the problem, or a combination of these. The concept/ holding idea will guide you through all further decisions to ensure that your design thinking is consistent and appropriate, and you DO NOT HAVE TO GUESS!

We hope this helps.

If you want a crit after the awards ceremony (on he evening of Wed 13 April), let us know.
Alternatively we will be setting up a skype crit on Thursday 14 April at 21h00. Again, let us know if you will be joining. If so, you must please e mail us your latest drawings so that we can study these before the crit, in order to provide useful critique.

Thank you,
Jolanda & Hermie

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Portfolio of Office work


The two options for submitting portfolios of office work are:

Submit online (interim submissions, first on 4 April) and on CD/ DVD (final submission) - preferable option.
- Put your online office work under a separate "page" on your blog, or:
- if you create a separate online portfolio of work (on Blogger, yolasite, carbonmade etc. put the LINK ON YOUR BLOG, somewhere easy to find.

Submit in hard copy (interim submissions, first on 4 April) and on CD/DVD (final submission). This is the option that you use if your employer has a problem with confidentially.

If you choose option 2, please submit hard copy with Carleen at reception on 4 April.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Term 1 feedback

Hi, here is the long-awaited feedback:

Please follow the above link to the document. Properly study the check list and comments and let us know if there are any mistakes.

General comments:
1. Look for examples of good architectural layouts and lettering, and copy
2. An analysis must contain DIAGRAMS and KEY TEXT
3. There's a huge difference between an inventory and an analysis
4. Ask yourself the following questions and think about your Hub  design:
- the circulation/ movement/ approach
- hierarchy
- plan - section relationship
- Public/ private zoning
- Make sure what is the idea: expressed in diagrams and text!
- Good luck with catching up and developing.